On the Springer Nature sites the “Content on Demand” message refers to an admin account that only the Library has access to. We use it sparingly for rush requests.
If you see this message or come across any articles you cannot get access to please contact Jannette at desposi@cshl.edu to request the article through the library’s interlibrary loan service. Jannette can usually supply most articles within a day or so. You can also sign up for an ILLiad account to request articles electronically. Please see information below for how to set that up.
ILLiad is our Interlibrary Loan Service that provides CSHL users access to journal articles, books, and other materials not owned by the the CSHL Library.
Click here for instructions on how to set up an ILLiad account using your cshl.edu email address or contact me at desposi@cshl.edu with any questions!
Jannette L. D’Esposito, M.L.I.S.
Electronic Resources and Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Library & Archives | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory